Higher Learning

The main educational programme we are offering — the Rainbow Path, which is aimed at full-depth spiritual learning — is offered through our department of Higher Learning. This department’s work is esoteric in nature, meaning it aims especially at those who want to gather a strong and solid foundation and/or wish to further complete their current knowledge and practice of spiritual development to a point of integrality.

What determines if such esoteric studies are a good fit for you is not what you already know or understand, or the point in your spiritual development that you are currently at. Rather, it is mostly your degree of willingness to dedicate yourself and the strength of your aspiration. Higher Learning leads students in the direction of Self-Realisation and Liberation.

This department works through our daughter organisation and community platform, called Higher Mantra Cloud Community.


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The newsletter is published by us in cooperation with our daughter organisation, the Higher Mantra Cloud Community, and contains updates and information about our programmes and other activities.

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