
Learning any meditation technique has two sides to it: a) knowing mentally how to do it and b) knowing in your heart how to do it. This is a difference between knowledge of facts and realisation. Coming to a point of such realisation is called initiation.

Initiation into a subject is in fact the first (‘initial’) stage of any true learning process. After initiation, the slow and gradual mastering of the subject begins. It is not something that can be completely done or caused on purpose. It is more like a milestone that is reached, a point of attainment, and always requires some kind of transformative action from the one being initiated. During an initiation session, one who has mastered the subject tries to bring you to realisation, and therefore to initiation.

You can be iniated into Dynamic Praṇava Meditation in various ways. We offer, or will be offering, the following:

  • We practise this technique during our Weekly Open Satsaṅga sessions. When anyone joins these sessions without any knowledge or experience with Dynamic Praṇava Meditation, we will give them brief instructions. With the use of these instructions and through reading about the technique, one can initiate oneself into the technique. Sometimes, though not always, there is also time to ask questions about it during these sessions.
  • Initiation sessions, in the form of a workshop focussing solely on Dynamic Praṇava Meditation, are a more comprehensive way of learning it. In these sessions we aim to provide to you all you need to know in order to reach a point of initiation, along with some practical experience and a chance to ask questions.
  • Private (one-on-one) initiation sessions into this technique, which can be held on request. Send an email for more information.
  • By following our intensive training programme, called the Rainbow Path. Find out more here.

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