Three Instruments

In order to study Varṇa Yoga, the Yoga of Energy Patterns, we use three parts of life that are both highly complex and highly structured and which relate our two most important senses (hearing and seeing). Through Sound, Speech and Colour we practice combining sensory awareness with meditative awareness. Bridging the gap between practice on the (meditation) pillow and off the pillow.

We call these the Three Instruments. Each of them organically grants us a slightly different perspective on complexity than the other two. In our practice we can divide up a subject in to a whole, parts (grouped units) and units. All three instruments have a slight emphasis, or preference if you will, for one of these divisions. But in reality, all three of them teach us about all three.

These emphases are:

Sound – emphasises the whole
Speech – emphasises the parts within the whole
Colour – emphasis the units within the parts

Together, they ‘teach us the tricks’ of how to meditatively work with complexity from a spiritual perspective and sensitise us in various ways to the perceiving of energy in the objects of attention around us. Not only those of Sound, Speech of Colour, but all of them.

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