What is Yoga?

One of the greatest Yogis of all times was the sage Patañjali. He famously explained Yoga in an single sentence as:

Citta, in Sanskrit, means the memory — which in Yoga is considered to be the highest point of the human mind. And on the level of energy, all that is high always includes everything that is below it. Control over the energy of citta therefore means control over all the energy up to the level of citta. In this way, controlling citta completely, means controlling oneself completely.

Meaning of the word Yoga

But what does the word Yoga mean? Yoga means union. The union it points at is two-sided in nature: essentially, it means union with the Divine — or union with Everything in Existence; more practically speaking, it means one can feel totally at one with any object or subject.

Control over all energy means one can bring all energy in oneself to a point of harmony. When you do so, and on all levels of your being at the same time, the state of Yoga spontaneously arises.

Why learn Yoga?

Have you always wanted to be very good at something? I’m sure you have.

Yoga is the manual, as it were, for doing so. It explains to you how you can clear away all inner obstacles towards becoming one with your subject. And becoming one with your subject means mastering it, right? Yoga therefore can make you a master over your hobby, passion or job. And does it in a way that also makes you a master over yourself.

Thus, it ultimately brings you quiet when you need it, love when you need it, joy when you need it. Insight when it is helpful, skill where it is useful, etcetera. Having overcome all inner obstacles towards learning your subject, mastering it will happen by itself and at a much faster pace.

I know this may sound too good to be true to some of you. If this is the case, the only way you can prove whether or not it is true is by actually trying it for yourself. And if this is not the case, since you are already convinced, what keeps you from enrolling into one of our programmes? Don’t do it for us; do it for yourself.

If there are questions you might have about Yoga, send us an email so we can help you find answers.

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